Monday, 1 February 2010

reflection of production stage.

Over the last few weeks we have had to plan changes due to problems that have occured. The purpose of the changes made by all of us was to make things easier. We have also had to re-plan he times of shooting as we found some of the lighting wont work as we experimented.

We have hd a few problems over the last few weeks, one after another.
Our first huge problem, was that our main actor didn't turn up on the day we needed him. He forgot he did have university. We decided to get another actor in, however, that failed as we couldn't find anyone who was willing to do it. Therefore we have had some major delays in the filming of our video.
We have also had to get rid of the band idea as the band we got hold of (and other people) havent got back o us, or as other commitments that they cannot get out of. So, we now have to stick with using one person to 'sing'.
Because we have not got muc time left to film we had to scratch the location for the kitchen and replace it with nat's kitchen as it takes too long to get from one place to another. I also decided that it would take to long to get permission of homebase for the bed scene so we will do that at Nat's house also.

We have had to have alot of patience for this video. It's been extremely difficult and stressful, but i am going to need to get alot stricter, as the director, to get this video finished.

Over the next few weeks we desperatley need to overcome the hurdles and finish the video and start on our editing. Hopefully with the editing we won't have as may problems occuring.