Friday, 14 May 2010

possible locations etc..

Here we wrote out the possibilities of the scene and what locations, costumes etc would go with each scene. These are our final ideas.

Friday, 23 April 2010

My music video.

How will i ensure the target audience 'gets the message'?

How will your music video appeal to your target audience?
My music video will appeal to my target audience because of the key features, such as, it has a storyline to follow keeping our genre interested because of the fact that they look for a storyline in there music videos as they find it more interesting to watch. An acoustic guitar is also shown regularly throughout the video which is an instrument our genre can relate themselves to making them almost feel a part of our music video, again, keeping them interested. Indy people are very fond of dramatic soaps for example, Holly oaks, Skins and Shameless. This means they would like our video as it has drama such as violence and plates smashing and almost arguing.

How will you distribute the music video to get your target audience to watch it?
We will distribute the video on music channels that our target audience is most likely to watch lie, Viva and 4music. We will also put a page on Face book as it's one of the most popular so Indy's, who socialise as a hobby, are more likely to see it and watch it. You tube is also another place that we will distribute our video as that is the site that the majority of people, including our target audience, watch music videos. This way there are three different places that out Target audience can watch this video, so it is bound to get noticed. Advertising our video on face book would help us to get our target audience to notice it as well because it is more likely that they will see or hear about it.

personal reflection-reflecting on skills.

Technical skills- I have learned how to use computer programmes, such as premier elements and photo shop, to edit videos and things like our RaWR logo. I learnt this fairly quickly and am glad as it can be used in the future.

-I have strengthened my camera skills, as before i didn't know how to occupy a camera efficiently. Now that i have practiced whilst shooting the video (when Nat wasn't present) i can now use a camera appropriately.

_I am better at understanding computers in general. I have never been very well educated in computers and often struggled in ICT, but since i have been doing this project, i have been forced to use computers regularly and it has benefited me a lot.

Client skills- I have strengthened my communication skills including, talking to clients and being persuasive when i need to be. For example, in client meetings i can now confidently tell the client why our video is a good thing and why they should let us do what we need to do, and this could be useful in the future.

- I am better at getting my point of to the clients effectively so they understand what i am talking about and to make the meeting run more smoothly.

- I have learned how to write appropriately to my clients discussing certain matters including, the meeting prior and what i would like to discuss next time and what we have forgotten or should have mentioned before.

People skills, organisation and project management skills- I have developed skills in organising myself such as, putting my work into order so i can get to it quicker and organising exactly what to say and when in a client meeting so it runs a lot more smoothly.

- I am better at talking in public as my confidence has rocketed since being at college and doing this project. This means that i am a lot better at speaking to people, asking questions rather than shying away and telling people what i have done or what they need to hear.

-I have learned how to manage a project as a group as efficiently as possible to complete it on time. I have also learned how to manage a project individually as my partners in my group have had problems getting in when needed so have had to handle some parts of the project alone.

Creative career- I could use this production to aid my career development in the creative sector by putting my video in a portfolio or a reel to help get where i need to be. I can also use it as experience, which catches peoples eyes when put into a portfolio or C.V. as they know that you are more likely to get further. My skills will greater my chances in a career as well because, i now know how to use computers, cameras and am good at communicating which will help me out greatly.

gathering feedback

When gathering information you can use such sites as and face book, or emailing people the video and asking for suitable feedback.

Face book is best for showing friends your music video and linking questions and asking people to answer them. This is effective as friends are more likely to answer the questions appropriately, however friends tend to be more biased.

YouTube is most suitable for asking strangers what they think of your music video and asking questions, telling them you need answers if they mind taking the time to answer them. This is effective because it's not as biased as asking friends because they don't know you so don't worry about telling you the truth. However they may not bother to answer the questions and it is possible that no feedback will be given.

A simple and more discreet way would be to show family by taking the video home on a memory stick to show them, then ask for feedback directly. However, there is that problem again of family being biased, so you don't always get the truth.

Another option would be to e-mail anyone you wanted to, including people in a media profession that know what they are talking about. This is a good way as you will get an honest opinion and you know that they know what they are doing. However, e-mail can be risky, as you cannot always rely on getting a reply, especially if they are busy or don't check there e-mails regularly.

I think i will put my vidoe onto facebook for friends to see and take it home to show family. This way you are sure to get direct feedback a lot quicker than any other way, as the other options are more unreliable in that way. even though it is possible the feedback will be biased i will ask people (before asking questions) to be honest.

Questions i will ask will be: Is this video suitable to the indy genre?
Did you like this video (yes or no)? Why?
Does this video hold your interest?
What do you think the storyline of this video is?? explain...

These questions are to the point and suitable for the feedback i am after. And they won't take up much of ther time as there are only four of them.

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

This is a picture of both sexes and what they like, there favourite things and lets people know who they are. This is to give our group and anyone else a jist of our indy target audience and who we are looking out to impress. I drew this and decided to save space by splitting the face in half.

headed notepaper.

This is our headed notepaper that we will use for all our letters to our clients. We used our logo and adress as an example. Hannah made up the adress.

leeter to clients.

This is our client letter. It explains everything that we want to do in the meeting and how much we enjoyed the meeting before. We all worked together to produce this letter.

Monday, 1 February 2010

reflection of production stage.

Over the last few weeks we have had to plan changes due to problems that have occured. The purpose of the changes made by all of us was to make things easier. We have also had to re-plan he times of shooting as we found some of the lighting wont work as we experimented.

We have hd a few problems over the last few weeks, one after another.
Our first huge problem, was that our main actor didn't turn up on the day we needed him. He forgot he did have university. We decided to get another actor in, however, that failed as we couldn't find anyone who was willing to do it. Therefore we have had some major delays in the filming of our video.
We have also had to get rid of the band idea as the band we got hold of (and other people) havent got back o us, or as other commitments that they cannot get out of. So, we now have to stick with using one person to 'sing'.
Because we have not got muc time left to film we had to scratch the location for the kitchen and replace it with nat's kitchen as it takes too long to get from one place to another. I also decided that it would take to long to get permission of homebase for the bed scene so we will do that at Nat's house also.

We have had to have alot of patience for this video. It's been extremely difficult and stressful, but i am going to need to get alot stricter, as the director, to get this video finished.

Over the next few weeks we desperatley need to overcome the hurdles and finish the video and start on our editing. Hopefully with the editing we won't have as may problems occuring.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

company logo.

Our logo for our production company RaWR is a hand drawn dinosaur. The reason for this being that the dinosaur fit in with the name perfectly and that since it was hand drawn it went with the font of our RaWR sign which is supposed to look almost like a kid has drawn it when messing about. This shows a fun element to our group.


This is the last page in the storyboard. This shows you at the end, that the first two shots is repeated. This is to show the outcome of the guys actions. It also explains that hopefully, every single shot in the shot list will be repeated extremely quickly before a blackout that will finalise the ending.

I drew this one.


The third page of the storyboard shows you even more of the shots. We do have quite a few shots but none of them will last too long. Hannah drew this one.


This is the second page of our storyboard. Again it shows you roughly what we want it too look like and is labelled. However look at our shot list that will explain each picture in a little more detailed. Each picture is numbered to make this easier and the stroyboard makes our "job" a little more simple.

I drew this one.


This is the first part of our stroyboard. This shows each shot to give a rough background of what we are expecting it to look like. If you look at the shot list below then it should clearly explain what is happening in each shot.

We all put work into these story boards, we each drew a page. Natalie did this one.

all aspects of planning.

This is our second call sheet. We needed two, as we have more than three locations and the same location but for different scenes.

all aspects of planning.

We have two of these call sheets in total. These help us to plan ahead, including knowing the time we are going to spend, where it is and what/who we will need. Hannah has the responsibility to make sure t contact out actors a day before, using the contact part of the cal sheet,to make sure they can get in on the date set.

These will help us greatly and make us all more organised and hopefully make it quicker and easier to get the music video done on time.

booking and permissions.

This is the booking and permissions table that we completed. It is not much but it is enough for us to take a look at it when we need to know our own responsibilities of booking certain places and getting permission. We have given ourselves certain roles within the roles of director, producer and production manager so we all have to ask someone for permission and booking so it is fair.

shot list.

This is our shot list. This clearly but briefly explains how many shots we estimated we would do and then tells you a litte bit about it. We then investigated this further by drawing out these shots (above) and labelling then. This shot list didn't take very long as we were prepared and knew roughly what we want our music video to look like.

shot list.

This is similar to our shot list except it shows us how many shots we do in a certain place. For example, two different scenes are done in Natalies house. It also tells us and everyone else what time of the day would be best to do these shots in. So this is more of a scene list. Again this makes our job a lot easier as we can see and plan out our times.

risk assesment.

This is our risk assessment and analyses who is responsible for each part of our video. This is so we know who is in charge for certain things that can possibly go wrong. I contributed what i was responsible for as did everyone else. We thought that made sense as then we were still sharing the work, and working out what we had to do.